Why Do People Bite Their Nails?
For outsiders, it can be very hard to understand why people bite their nails. What can make a…
For outsiders, it can be very hard to understand why people bite their nails. What can make a…
There is no one single “how to stop nail biting” solution that works for everybody. We are all…
Our nails say a lot about a person. They are exposed, everyone can see them and they are…
What is the best anti-nail biting polish and how do you choose which one to use? There are a number of good anti-nail biting polish products and after 35 years of nail-biting, I have tried quite a…
There is no one single “how to stop nail biting” solution that works for everybody. We are all different and like so many other things in life, what works for one might not work for another. Age,…
For outsiders, it can be very hard to understand why people bite their nails. What can make a person put his fingers in his mouth and bite his nails? Why would anybody do such a thing? You…
Why do we have fingernails and what is a nail really? Most of us don’t really think about what our nails are made of and what their purpose is, we just take them for granted. But if…
After many years of nail-biting, I decided to stop – again! But one thing is to stop nail biting. Another is to help your nails grow out again and get them back to a healthy state. This…
If you are a nail biter you probably already know some of all the bad things nail biting can cause. I am thinking about things like ingrown nails, skin infections, and stomach virus – just to mention…
One of the most common reasons why people wish to stop their nail-biting habit is because of the embarrassment. The embarrassment of having these small gross bitten nail stumps. So what can you do to replace the…
As a child, I heard so many stories about nail-biting and how dangerous and disgusting it was. That is the truth, but I was also told some stories which I was not really sure if they were…
What are the best natural remedies to stop nail biting? As a nail biter you probably already know about all the different anti-nail biting polish products you can buy. Maybe you are even using one now. But…
There are several reasons to stop nail biting. Biting your nails is a bad habit and I think any nail-biter has been told that it is not good for you. But why is that? We all know…
For 35 years I was a nail biter!
Ever since I can remember, I have been biting my nails. I never thought about why or how I got started, but when I, at last, decided to stop, it turned out to be much harder than I expected.
I have created this site as a go-to resource for nail biters. I don’t claim to be an expert or have the answers to all your questions, but after 35 years of nail biting, I want to share what I know about this habit.